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Showing posts from November, 2015

XTERRA Off-Road National Championships!

2 years ago when we came out to Utah for XTERRA Trail Run Nationals, we watched our friends compete in the USA Triathlon Championship race the day before. I remember saying that there is no way I could ever do that, yet 2 years later, I found myself standing on the shores of that same reservoir, shivering from head to toe as the air temperature barely reached 40 degrees. I wasn't fearful of the course, the competition, or even the mass start of men and women combined during the swim, but the cold... well, that scared the beegeebezies out of me. The water felt warm compared to the air temperature which actually made me want to do a long warm-up swim and not get out of the water until the very last minute (which is crazy for non-swimming loving me). I gave Dave a quick kiss just as the start gun went off and we dove in with hundreds of our newest XTERRA triathlete friends. It was an elbow punching, kicking, mass of arms and legs for almost the entire first loop of the 2 loop sw...