I am sure I will get a bit of grief about this post as some people might take my thoughts personally and feel the need to justify themselves. I am fine with that. It means I got you thinking about yourself, your excuses, and outlook. Here's the thing... You can live your life fully, throwing yourself into whatever it is you choose to do, or you can walk around full of excuses as to why you can't do something. Back in my mid-20's, I worked as a personal trainer for a spell in an affluent upscale fitness center. I quickly learned that people would pay what I considered a ridiculous amount to spend an hour with me supervising them as they lifted weights, ran up and down stairs, or worked through plyometric exercises and stretching routines. I would give them "homework" ranging from cardiovascular exercises to diet modifications even as simple as drinking more water each day, and things they could do in their daily routine to help them achieve their goals. The nex...
Teaching my Angel about our world while she is teaching me how to fly.